Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Are you a Farmer??

Brayden has a new LOVE...He absolutely LOVES Facebook's Farmtown and Farmville. (If you haven't tried either of them yet, I don't really recommend it...they can both be VERY addicting!!)

How it Began:
For the last 6 months or so he would occasionally play with my mom whenever he would visit them. He enjoyed checking the crops and sending gifts to her neighbors. Well everytime he saw me get on Facebook he would ALWAYS ask if he could play the farm game on my comptuer. My answer was always "NO, that's something special to do with grandma." Then I would have to hear him beg and plead and beg and plead more, for me to only break his heart by saying NO again. Well for some reason, 2 weeks ago, I decided to finally go ahead and give in to what I call "Farm World." I call it "Farm World" because little did I know when I started this whole tihng there are 2 Farm applications for Facebook: Farmtwon and Farmville. They do have a few differences from each other, but the one similarity they both have is they are both VERY addicting! First thing Brayden wants to do when we get home is check "his" farms.

Now the good thing about his new farming love, they both do have some educational value to them. For example he has learned:
* You need to plow a field before you can harvest the crops.
* It's a great thing to help your neighbors out by fertilizing their crops, raking their leaves, scare away animals, water their fields and flowers, etc..
* You gotta work hard and fast so the employeers will want to rehire you.
* You need to harvest your crops before they wither away.
* He has learned about all kinds of different crops and trees..which ones take longer to harvest and earn us more money...his favorite tree is the apple tree and favorite crop is the pumpkins. He enjoys seeing the different stages of the crops.
* It's great to be generous to neighbors by giving them gifts.
* He has to milk cows, collect chicken eggs, collect sheep wool, collect truffles from pigs and collect horsehair.
* Go to the marketplace to get a job (he's learned how to type that too).
* Go to the marketplace to sell his crops .
* Save your money instead of spending it so we can buy a house.
* coordination skills on the laptop mouse
* and most importantly to click on the "skip" button when asked if you want to publish your success on your profile. (This way it won't publish to mommy's FB profile and all of her friends think it's her playing all these farm games.)
All in all, they are both great semi real life educational games to play with your child, as long as you have a FB account.
Do you see that intensity on his face?!? He takes his farming very serious. :)
Going to the market place to sell his harvested crops.
Then last night while I was reading all the great recipes from FMM, he was supposed to just be tending to his farms but the next thing I knew he started up another FB game "Fishville". He loves this game too. I kind of like it also because I think its better than us having a real fish. (We already tried that and I HATED having to clean the bowl.) With Fishville, he has taught himself how to play based on what he has learned from farming....but from what I gather from him he has to clean the fishtank, feed the fish, decorate his tank, and help out his neighbors. It's 100% his thing. He is VERY disappointed right now because he doesn't have any neighbors on Fishville other than my grandma and sister. He keeps telling me "get me some neighbors mommy, I need some fishville neighbors!!!" So let me know if you happen to play fishville or any of the FB farm games and maybe we can be neighbors....I know one 4yr old boy who would be VERY ecstatic (and generous with gift giving) if he had a new neighbor or two. :)
Here he is logging into Fishville:

Trying to feed his fish:
Wanna know what else we have been up to lately?...Playing a little Wii bowling. I am so IMPRESSED with his bowling skills nowdays. He sccored a 170 COMPLETELY on his OWN. I had to capture the score of one of our latest games where he beat me. For the first 6 frames, he had either a spare or a strike, then frame 7, 8 and 9....he scored a 9 on each of them and then of course finished up with a spare on Frame 10...maybe I'll have to take him to a "real" bowling alley one of these days. :)

Finally a quick Swagbucks update...I'm up to 69 swagbucks...Yea! If you haven't signed up yet, be sure and sign up so you can start earning swagbucks for completely free gifts like Amazon, Starbucks, Target, iTunes giftcards just to name a few.

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Unknown said...

How fun is that!! OK Time for a confession...I love farmtown too...my mom/aunt/great aunt/and grandma are really into it...and they needed a neighbor...so I logged on to help them out and got a little addicted...lol I love how you skip...me too...I don't want my wall covered up with all that! My kids love Farm town too...they constantly want to check out my neighbor's farms -- as they are much cooler than mine!

He & Me + 3 said...

What a cutie...I'm impressed with all his farming skills. I have never played that game before, but I hear it is addicting...looks like you have a little farmville addict over there too. :) Great job bowling. That TV is huge compared to your little man.

czstout said...

Hey Christie :) My Stepmom is totally addicted to all 3 of these games :) I have no time or I probably would be too!!! Hope ya'll have a fun weekend!!

Brandy@YDK said...

I think that's totally cute!

Sneaker Teacher said...

I don't really know much about that application but I am really impressed with how much Brayden learned from it. How cool!


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