I thought I would just give an update/summary on what we have been up to the last couple of months.
* I just recently finished up my coursework for my Master of Education degree. My last two classes were an absolute writing NIGHTMARE to say the least!! They were the main reason for my lack of blogging. It was a challenge for me to balance writing formally for my professors when my style of blog writing comes more natural to me. Plus having to write so many papers on various education administration topics sort of sucked out all of my creativity. Thankfully now that it is over, life can finally get back to normal. Although I am finished with my coursework, my actual graduation is not until May 15th so I'm counting down the days until it is official. ** Oh yeah, I forgot to mention my laptop screen went out the weekend before my big 36 page portfolio was due for my final class. I get nothing but a white screen on it. Now my less than 2 year old laptop is more of a desktop...I had to purchase a new external monitor to use as my screen which completely defeats the convenience of a laptop. Hopefully over the next few months I can find a good deal on a new laptop. * Brayden and I have both gained new friendships. He became really good friends with one of his friends at preschool and it just so happens that his mom and I have hit it off really well too. :) We have really enjoyed going out to dinner and having playdates. We also went to our first hockey game with them and Brayden became an instant fan! Their friendship has been such a blessing for both of us!
*We both had a snow day from school (doesnt happen to often here in Texas)...it also just happened to be the Friday of our Valentine parties but luckily they were just postponed to the next school day.

(His Valentine's that he made for his friends.)
* Brayden started Spring Soccer for the first time and he LOVES it! It has been so comical watching him learn how to play. The first night of practice, the coach told him to stand in a certain spot while they kicked off. Well, Brayden stayed in that spot and stayed in that spot. When I tried to tell him that he is supposed to go to the ball and try to score, he informed me that his coach told him to stand in that spot so he's not supposed to move. :) He had his first game and I wasn't quite sure how he would do. I thought he might be a little nervous since he is the only one on the team as a first year player. Well as soon as we pulled into the parking lot he commented to me, "I am not going to be shy mommy, this is sooo AWESOME!!!" Now he has us watching soccer on the Spanish station just so he can learn some new moves.

* Another thing we have been up to the last few months, you might remember this post about Brayden's "farming addiction". Well now he has me hooked, I am addicted. For some reason I get pleasure out of doing such a mindless activity. I know it's pathetic, but it's a great activity to multi task as I catch up on the DVR in the evenings. :)
* We have some new neighbors that moved in a couple of weeks ago and Brayden ABSOLUTELY adores them. They are such a sweet family!! I feel so fortunate that they moved in so Brayden can experience playing with "the neighborhood kids" especially right before summer break. He is going to have so much fun with new pool buddies! They have a second grade girl and a sixth grade boy that Brayden has idolized since their first time playing together outside. He now enjoys sitting on our guest bed watching out the window in anticipation for their garage to open...his sign that they are ready to play. And yes, every few minutes he ask me when they are going to come outside and wonders why they aren't already out there. He's one persistent lil guy!!
Well that just about sums up the last couple of months for us. I promise to start posting on a regular schedule again so check back soon. :)