Last weekend we had a super busy weekend! Saturday morning started off with Brayden's soccer game. Although he did have his first "header" and it took him out of the game for a few minutes, he played really well! I was very proud of him for not having any fear as he guarded this one player that seemed like he was almost twice the size of Brayden.

He was also the one that kicked the ball that hit Brayden right smack in the forehead at close range. One of the first things he said when we got in the car was "why didn't that kid say he was sorry to me, that really hurt!"

As soon as the soccer game was over, we headed home so he can change clothes. Then we were headed to Chuckie Cheese for a birthday party. He had so much fun running around with his classmates. He was a sweaty mess from playing in the playground tunnels. After the cake, they went to use their tokens on the video games.

After Chuckie Cheese we went home so he could change into his swimsuit. It was the opening day at our swimming pool and he was determined to go swimming. Jason was sweet enough to brave the freezing water temperatures so Brayden could get in the pool.

If you can't quite tell in this picture, he is SHIVERING!! :)
After we finally convinced him to come inside and change clothes we were able to take a short lil nap before we had family date night with our friends the Winter's. We introduced Jason to one of the local Mexican restaraunts then we headed over to one of our new favorite places, Allen Bowl, for a family night of bowling.
After such a fun day, we were all exhausted!
On Sunday, we had to say good-bye to Jason as he headed back to Arkansas. Then Brayden and I were off to the FCDallas vs LAGalaxy game. This was Brayden's first game back since his lil episode of getting sick and vowing to never go again. We didn't have the best of weather condititions. We had a MAJOR cold front come through that brought the temperatures down into the 40's, with a windchill of 37 degrees! Quite different than the 80 degree weather we had the day before! Here is Brayden all bundled up....Yes, he is wearing WINTER gloves on May 1st. :) There was also a chance of severe storms so we had to dress for rain as well.

I knew this particular game was a sell out, so I wanted to make sure that we got there in plenty of time to get a parking place. Last time they had a sell out and we got there thirty minutes before the game, we had to walk almost an entire mile just from the car to the stadium. That was not going to be happening in these weather conditions!
After we sat down, Brayden realized the team warms up, just like his team---with orange cones. :) (We have never got there early enough to see this.)

He was excited to see them warm up. We did get to see David Beckham and Landon Donovan--although I dont have any good pictures to prove it. It was still exciting. :)
We made it through the first half of the game with no rain then shortly into the second half it went from a light sprinkle to an absolute down pour in a matter of 10 minutes. They announced on the speakers that we would be experiencing high winds and heavy rain for the next thirty minutes. In MLS, they play rain or shine as long as there is no lightening. So we sat there in the heavy downpour freezing as long as I could take it. Then we had to get of there. I honestly think our walk/run back to the car was worse than just sitting there in the stadium. We eventually made it home safely, in the meantime they did end up having an hour weather delay so I was thankful we went ahead and left. By the time we got home, I made us some hot chocolate and we got changed into our warm pjs, the game was back on and we were able to see the last 10 minutes of the game. One of Brayden's favorite players, Brek Shea, scored the winning goal. The best part, Brayden realized that he could go to the game and not get sick. :)